Shoulder stretches are simple ways to relieve your shoulder pain. These exercises should not hurt, so if they do, you may need to try a different routine.
This routine uses an exercise ball. If you don’t have a ball to use, you could instead use a chair, couch or bed, for example, as long as when you reach forward, your arm isn’t higher than your shoulder.
I use this exercise ball. This is an amazon affiliate link.

How do you stretch your shoulder on a ball for pain relief?
Here are some simple stretches that you can do at home.
Disclaimer: These shoulder stretches, exercises and foam rolling are intended for individuals healthy enough to perform them. Please consult your doctor to make sure you are healthy enough for these exercises, stretches and/or foam rolling before you try them. Try these at your own risk.
Shoulder Stretch on the Ball
This is a great stretch for a beginner to try to relieve pain in their shoulder, neck, between their shoulder blades and more.
It’s best if you can get down on the floor for this exercise. And, using an exercise ball is the best way to access some great angles for stretching the shoulder, side of the body (especially the lats, rotator cuff muscles, obliques and intercostal muslces).

If you don’t have an exercise ball, you can use a chair, a couch, the side of your bed, etc, as long as you can reach out your arm and press down.
You could also Foam Roll around your shoulder for even better results! Doing stretching and foam rolling together to relieve shoulder pain has been very effective. I often ask my clients with shoulder pain to stretch and foam roll before they come in. This does much of the “warm up work”, and the session can start focusing on the issue almost immediately.
Shoulder Stretch on Ball, Beginning:
- Start on your knees, and place your straight RIGHT arm, thumb up, on your exercise ball
- Your neck is neutral and you are looking at the floor
- Push your arm down, into the ball at a 45 degree karate chop to the left
- Keep neck neutral
- Hold each stretch for 10-30 seconds
- Switch sides
- In this beginning position, move your spine up & down to perform the “Cat & Cow” movements
- You can put both arms on the ground to do the “Cat & Cow”, but if you leave your arm on the ball, there are extra strands of stretching muscle that are hard to find otherwise
- Move the hips from side to side by pushing one knee forward or backwards. This will help stretch the hips and low back
Kick Your Leg Back
After your arm and shoulder are warmed up, kick your leg back and add some hip motion for more stretching angles.

Kick Leg Back:
- Next, kick your right leg back
- Do the same motion of pushing the arm into the ball like a 45 degree karate chop to the left
- Now add some hip twisting to deepen the oblique stretch
- Keep neck neutral
- Hold each stretch for 10-30 seconds
- Switch sides
Try this very effective Shoulder, Hip flexor, Oblique and Lat stretch with an exercise ball. This is one of my favorite stretches because it’s easy yet very effective for relieving shoulder, hip flexor, low back and neck pain. Also, this is a Great Glut Builder! It’s a sneaky way to give your gluts a good workout.

- With you Right are on the ball and your Right leg kicked back
- Twist to look under your Right arm
- Press down on the ball with your Right arm
- Twist your Right hip up
- Put all your weight on your Left arm and knee
- Return to starting position
- Do 8-16 reps, switch sides
This is one of those exercises that looks like it’s working one area, but you’ll feel it in another. I call this the “sneaky” exercises.
If you have a hard time “contracting” your butt muscles…. this is the exercise for you!
Side Shoulder Stretch on the Ball
Get a gentle side of the arm, neck or side stretch stretch with this leaning to the side.
The muscles exercised on the left abs, obliques, intercostals, and more are worked without much notice as the “sneaky area worked”.

Though this exercise does effect the Right shoulder, you will feel it more in the Left oblique and abs if you use your left side to pull. Your left shoulder area will also get a workout from holding you up.
If you have a hard time rotating your torso, this version is good for you.
Side Arm Stretch on the Ball:
- Start on your knees with your Right arm, thumb up, on the ball (like a Karate Chop)
- Twist your body to the LEFT, keeping your neck neutral, and pushing your right hip to the right
- Hold at 2:00 O’Clock (right arm) or 10:00 O’Clock (left arm) for 1-3 seconds
- Come back to the starting position
- Do 8-20 reps; switch sides
Front & Top Shoulder Stretch
Stretch the front of the shoulder, and even down the arm when you twist your hand until your palm is facing up. Be careful not to overextend your shoulder down too far on the top of this motion.
Then, in the front, also rotate your arm so that your palm is facing up.

Front & Top of Shoulder Stretch on the Ball:
- Start on your knees with your left arm, thumb up, on the ball (like a Karate Chop)
- Roll your Left arm out towards 9:00 O’Clock, pushing down on the ball, to the left
- Twist your thumb forward and all the way around so that your palm is facing up
- Press your shoulder down, but not too far down
- Hold at 9:00 O’Clock (left arm) or 3:00 O’Clock (right arm) for 1-3 seconds
- Come back to the starting position
- Do 4-12 reps; switch sides

Remember to do these carefully, slowly and gently.
This one stretches the front of the shoulder and the chest muscles (pecs).


- Start with your arm reaching straight out onto the ball
- Pull your Right arm back to make a 90 degree angle with your elbow and forearm
- Press down on the ball slightly (don’t over-press!) in order to stretch your pecs and the front of your shoulder
- Next, push your arm straight again, rotate your arm externally until your palm is face up
- Press down with a straight arm on the ball
Shoulder Rotation on the Ball
A full body stretch, including the front, side, and back of the shoulder, along with the side and the low back.
This is part of another stretch routine for the low back, side and hip flexors. You can also get a nice neck stretch with this one.

Shoulder Rotation on the Ball:
- Drape your body over the ball, like a rainbow, with your side & hip towards the ceiling.
- Stretch your top leg as far back as you can reach.
- Put your tow down, heel up
- Twist your body around the ball, leading with your pinky
- Reach your right arm towards 10:00 O’Clock
- Open your chest to the ceiling to stretch your front shoulder
- Reach out towards 1:00, closing your shoulders towards the floor to stretch the back of your shoulder
- Switch sides
This is part of my favorite stretch, which we call “The Rainbow Stretch“. Here is a post just about that stretch. ?
Conclusion: Shoulder Stretches on an Exercise Ball
Shoulder stretches to relieve shoulder pain should be done gently, and never cause pain. If these or any exercises cause pain, back off on the intensity with which you are performing the stretch or exercise. Or, maybe choose a different routine all together.
Here is a list of exercises and stretches for the shoulder using an exercise ball. This routine can be done in order, or just individually.
If you don’t have an exercise ball, you could instead use a chair, a bed or a couch, for example, to reach your arm onto. As long as your arm is straight or lower, but not above your back.
- Shoulder stretch on a Ball
- Kick Your Leg Out
- Side Shoulder Stretch
- Front & Top Shoulder Stretch
- Shoulder Rotation on the Ball
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